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/* You may find the license in the LICENSE file */ function include(uri) { Components.classes["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader) .loadSubScript(uri); } include('chrome://dta/content/common/xpcom.jsm'); var Preferences = {}; var MigrationService = { _init: function MM_init() { // observer registration Cc['@mozilla.org/observer-service;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIObserverService) .addObserver(this, "final-ui-startup", true); }, _migrate: function MM_migrate() { let DTA = {}; Components.utils.import('resource://dta/version.jsm', DTA); Components.utils.import('resource://dta/preferences.jsm', Preferences); include("chrome://dta/content/common/overlayFunctions.js"); try { debug("current " + DTA.VERSION); let lastVersion = Preferences.getExt('version', '0'); if (0 == DTA.compareVersion(DTA.BASE_VERSION, lastVersion)) { return; } debug("MigrationManager: migration started"); if (DTA.compareVersion(lastVersion, "1.0a1") < 0) { this._execute(['Prefs', 'DropDowns', 'Filters', 'Remove']); } if (DTA.compareVersion(lastVersion, "1.0.1") < 0) { this._execute(['ResetMaxConnections']); } var params = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/dialogparam;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock); params.SetNumberStrings(1); params.SetString(0, DTA.BASE_VERSION); let mediator = {}; Components.utils.import('resource://dta/mediator.jsm', mediator); mediator.showNotice(null, params); } catch(ex) { debug("MigrationManager:", ex); try { Preferences.resetExt("version"); } catch (ex) { // XXX } } }, _execute: function MM_execute(types) { for each (let e in types) { try { this['_migrate' + e](); } catch (ex) { debug('MigrationManager: failed to migrate ' + e, ex); } } }, // pre-1.0: convert prefs _migratePrefs: function MM_migratePrefs() { debug("migrating prefs"); const toMigrate = [ ['context.infophrases', 'infophrases', true], ['context.closedta', 'closedta', false], ['context.menu', 'ctxmenu', ''], ['context.compact', 'ctxcompact', false], ['tool.menu', 'toolsmenu', ''], ['tool.compact', 'toolscompact', false], ['context.history', 'history',5], ['context.downloadWin', 'downloadWin', true], ['context.ntask', 'ntask', 4], ['context.maxchunks', 'maxchunks', 5], ['context.reduce', 'showonlyfilenames', true], ['context.saveTemp', 'saveTemp', true], ['context.tempLocation', 'tempLocation', ''], ['context.seltab', 'seltab', 0], ['context.timeout', 'timeout', 300], ['directory.visibledump', 'logging', false], ['context.removeaborted', 'removeaborted', false], ['context.removecanceled', 'removecanceled', false], ['context.removecompleted', 'removecompleted', true], ['numistance', 'counter', 0] ]; for each (let [oldName, newName, defaultValue] in toMigrate) { try { let nv = Preferences.getExt(newName, defaultValue); let ov = Preferences.getExt(oldName, nv); if (ov != nv) { Preferences.setExt(newName, ov); } Preferences.reset(oldName); } catch (ex) { debug('MM: failed ' + newName + ", ", ex); } } }, // 1.0.1: #613 Multiple "slow-down" reports _migrateResetMaxConnections: function() { debug("resetting connection prefs"); for each (let e in ['network.http.max-connections', 'network.http.max-connections-per-server', 'network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server']) { Preferences.reset(e); } }, // pre 1.0: migrate Filters _migrateFilters: function MM_migrateFilters() { debug("migrating filters"); const defFilters = [ "/\./", "/\\./", '/(\\.*)/', "/\\/[^\\/\\?]+\\.(z(ip|\\d{2})|r(ar|\\d{2})|jar|bz2|gz|tar|rpm)$/", "/\\/[^\\/\\?]+\\.(z(ip|[0-9]{2})|r(ar|[0-9]{2})|jar|bz2|gz|tar|rpm)$/", "/(\\.(z(ip|[0-9]{2})|r(ar|[0-9]{2})|jar|bz2|gz|tar|rpm))$/", "/\\/[^\\/\\?]+\\.(mp(eg?|[g4])|rm|avi|mov|divx|asf|qt|wmv|ram|m1v|m2v|rv|vob|asx)$/", "/(\\.(mpeg|rm|mpe|avi|mpg|mp4|mov|divx|asf|qt|wmv|ram|m1v|m2v|rv|vob|asx))$/", "/\\/[^\\/\\?]+\\.(jpe?g|jpe|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico)$/", "/\\/[^\\/\\?]+\\.(jpe?g|jpe)$/", '/\\.jp(?:e|e?g|2)$/', "/\\/[^\\/\\?]+\\.gif$/", "/\\/[^\\/\\?]+\\.png$/" ]; const LINK_FILTER = Ci.dtaIFilter.LINK_FILTER; const IMAGE_FILTER = Ci.dtaIFilter.IMAGE_FILTER; const prefs = Cc['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService) .getBranch("extensions.dta.context.") .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2); var c = {value: 0}; var children = prefs.getChildList('', c); for (let i = 0; i < c.value; ++i) { if (!children[i].match(/filter\d+\.caption/)) { continue; } var name = 'context.' + children[i].slice(0, -8); try { var reg = Preferences.getExt(name + '.filter', ''); if (-1 != defFilters.indexOf(reg) || !reg.length) { continue; } var label = Preferences.getExt(name + '.caption', 'imported'); var active = Preferences.getExt(name + '.checked', false); var type = 0; if (Preferences.getExt(name + '.isImageFilter', false)) { type |= IMAGE_FILTER; } if (Preferences.getExt(name + '.isLinkFilter', false)) { type |= LINK_FILTER; } DTA_FilterManager.create(label, reg, active, type, true); } catch (ex) { debug("failed to migrate filter", ex); } } }, // pre 1.0: dropdown history _migrateDropDowns: function MM_migrateDropdowns() { debug("migrating dropdowns"); for each (let e in ['renaming', 'filter', 'directory']) { try { Preferences.resetExt(e); } catch (ex) { /*no-op*/ } try { let cv = Preferences.getExt('dropdown.' + e + '-history', null); if (cv == null) { return; } cv = cv.split('|@|'); Preferences.setExt(e, cv.toSource()); } catch (ex) { debug("failed to migrate dropdown " + e, ex); } } }, // all: remove all prefs _migrateRemove: function MM_migrateRemove() { for each (let e in ['context.', 'tool.', 'dropdown.', 'windows.', 'rename.']) { Preferences.resetBranchExt(e); } }, // nsIObserver observe: function MM_observe(subject, topic, prefName) { if (topic == "final-ui-startup") { this._migrate(); } } }; implementComponent( MigrationService, Components.ID("{F66539C8-2590-4e69-B189-F9F8595A7670}"), "@downthemall.net/migration-service;1", "DownThemAll! Migration Service", [Ci.nsIObserver] ); MigrationService._init(); // entrypoint function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) { return new ServiceModule(MigrationService, true); }